Sep 22, 2022
We are all One and we are all on this planet together; while this is not a new concept, what is NEW is people really getting this at a deep level.
In this episode, Mike Glauser is our guest. He isn't a theologian or an ancient philosopher but in his new book he knew the message was important called One People...
Sep 16, 2022
A New Earth. This is something many talk about, but what does it mean?
What is this cry for change that the Earth (Mother Earth) and all of Nature (humanity included!) requires right now?
How can we activate and step into the evolution that is required of us right now?
These questions, and more, are answered in this...
Sep 10, 2022
Silence is a master teacher. It guides us into ourselves to listen, to become aware, and to learn how to BE within and less focus on without. Within has the answers we seek…
In this episode, our guest is Rich Lewis who learned that silence was truly a master teacher. The conversation deep dives into the learning to...