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Disrupt Now Podcast Season 2: New Earth Magick

Sep 15, 2019

Trauma catches us by surprise. Rarely do we plan for the events that can cause us great pain. Being a badass can mean that you push beyond trauma without being connected to the outcome of what happens to the person (or persons) who may have caused that trauma.

The power of letting go to move beyond is a courageous place to reside.

In this episode, we dive into Diane McDermott's story and her ability to move into a space of power that has helped her to move beyond the trauma that she faced in March of 2019. Her story is an amazing example of the power that we hold in the ability to CHOOSE and the art of ALLOWING to feel and dive into the depths of our emotions and then move beyond to grow and evolve.



Natalie Viglione’s organization is all about Life & Business Guidance, with a hint of self-discovery education through the Smart Start Series.

Disrupt Now is all about guidance for solopreneurs or those aspiring to become entrepreneurs. Getting men and women UNstuck and learn how to create from the basis of their own wishes and desires to fully activate purpose! This is done through 1:1 and group coaching/workshops.  

When we work with larger companies of 5-50 employees, we bring in the crew of Team Gu. This is where we serve socially conscious business owners through Sales Training & Development / Sales & Marketing Alignment, Creating Purpose-Driven Communications, and Operations